Nomadic Lifestyle Taran Ramshaw Nomadic Lifestyle Taran Ramshaw

What's Going On!? - My Current Situation

Yep that's right, I'm hoping to head to the land of the..

What's Going On!? - My Current Situation

So its been a while since there was an update on here, and a lot has happened in the last few months.. My travels in Thailand lasted 3 months in the end and I bloody loved it! I took a 2 week trip over in Cambodia which was mainly a visa run, but I thought it would be rude not to explore while I was there.

I made a real connection with Thailand and can definitely see myself returning to explore some more and hopefully meet some friends I made there who have decided to live long term in the country!

While I was living on Koh Phangan for a month I had my first incident that required a hospital trip in the whole of my 2 and a half years travelling! I tripped on some razor sharp coral and cut my foot really bad, it then got infected and I spent 3 days in hospital getting stitches and eating some really nice food, I actually didn't want to leave! Good job I had some insurance..

Check out some more photos from Koh Phangan here!

Thailand also saw the end of mine and Hannah's relationship, which you may have guessed if you follow any of my social pages. We were both drifting in different directions with what we wanted to do with our life's, but we will never forget the incredible memories we made while exploring Australia and we are still buddy's :)

When my funds finally dropped to the point of needing to work again it was time to head home. It was awesome to see my family again after a year and a half since the last surprise visit, check out that video here! I also made a point of trying as hard as I could to see as many friends as possible, its always the way when you've been away for so long that people have changed or don't hang around with the same groups, but Ive had a right laugh with the ones I have seen :D

Since being back in the UK I've been to the summer solstice at Stonehenge (an all night party amongst the sacred stones), been to 3 awesome festivals and taken part in a 75 mile cycle around the Isle Of Wight for charity! Its been awesome :)

I've also managed to secure a job, nothing special but it will give me the means to save up enough for the next adventure..

And so that brings us to the next part of this update which is my future plans. すばらし!!

はい わたしわのけいかくわにほんにいくことです!!

If you cant understand that, then here it is in English.. My plan is to go to Japan!! Yep that's right, I'm hoping to head to the land of the rising sun in the first quarter of 2018, my plan is to get a working holiday visa and live there for a year. This is something I am extremely excited about as I have been a bot obsessed with Japanese culture for a while now and I've been (attempting) to learn the language for almost 2 years!

Thank you to everyone who has followed my journey so far, its been awesome to share the adventures and inspire people to visit the places I've been! I hope you will stay with me for the next journey :)

Thanks for reading!

Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!

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Nomadic Lifestyle, Photo Essay Taran Ramshaw Nomadic Lifestyle, Photo Essay Taran Ramshaw

Police Arrest Topless Females At Stonehenge - Equality Fail (NSFW)

It seems it was all a bit too free spirited for the group of policemen watching over, as they proceeded to..

It seems odd that in today's society and even more so at an event such as the summer solstice that these females were handcuffed and carted off behind closed doors for taking off their tops, while countless men who did the exact same thing were free…

Police Arrest Topless Females At Stone Henge - Equality Fail (NSFW)

Being back in the UK for the next 6 months has started at an awesome time of the year! Its festival season here and the weather is good (for now). One of my favourite annual traditions here is to go the the summer solstice which marks the longest day of the year, it is a free event that is held at the historic Stonehenge site in the south of England.

The party usually starts in the car park with people from all walks of life coming together for an all night party of drumming, singing, dancing, chanting, creativity and much more..

In recent years the security has stopped people from taking alcohol into the main area, meaning that lots of people spend the evening with their car speakers pumping out music while pre-drinking in preparation for the sleepless night ahead.

The security this year was stepped up in light of recent incedents in the UK..

This is one of the only times the public are allowed to go up to the stones and touch them for free, every other day of the year tourists pay about £15 just to walk around a set path about 20 or so metres away from the stones!

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As the night progressed and the morning light started to bring in the longest day of the year many people sat and awaited the coming of the sunrise.

Construction of Stonehenge began in the year 6900 (yes, I'm using the Human Era calender! In which we are currently in the year 12,017).

The sun starts to rise and hundreds of people gather on the far side of the stones to grab a snapshot of the red haze through the gaps.

People practice all their interests here without judgement, I was really impressed by the effort this girl had gone to for the night so I asked for permission to take a photograph, she completely ignored me and continued to recite her book..

As the sun rose in the sky, people danced to the drumming of a Hare Krishna group, smiles were abundant and it seemed nothing could shake the mood..

But it seems it was all a bit too free spirited for the group of policemen watching over, as they proceeded to single out a couple of females who had no tops on and arrest them!

It seems odd that in today's society and even more so at an event such as the summer solstice that these females were handcuffed and carted off behind closed doors for taking off their tops, while countless men who did the exact same thing were free to do so..

The above photo has got to be my favourite of the night, the smug look on this gal's face knowing she is only moments from being arrested!

What are your thoughts?

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Thanks for reading!

Taran here, owner of Nomad'er How Far. I'm fond of psychedelic rock, photography & videography, anything to do with space and I'm also partial to the odd gaming session. Oh and I love to travel :P Get to know me here!

Be social and come follow me across the virtual world!

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Taran & Makoto here, together we form Nomader How Far photography.

Check out my photo journals